6 Japanese vocabulary from NARUTO comic Book1.2


NARUTO, Digital colored comics, Japanese, 1

Can you say... in Japanese


  • anyway
  • work hard
  • obvious


1.当たり前- a ta ri ma e -

ひらがなhi ra ga naあたりまえ
カタカナka ta ka naアタリマエ
漢字ka n jiたりまえ
pronunciationa ta ri ma e
meaningnatural, ordinary, usual, common, obvious, of corse


This word is used like this↓(conversation between friends)


ナルトって () ってる?
Do you know "Naruto" ?

Of course!


It's natural that Japanese people know it.


An emphatic way of saying

引用:NARUTO-ナルト-カラー版 1 p.18 作:岸本斉史 出:(株)集英社

If you emphasize ”たりまえ”, it become "あったりまえ”.

2.頑張る- ga n ba ru-

ひらがなhi ra ga naがんばる
カタカナka ta ka naガンバル
漢字ka n ji頑張がんば
pronunciationga n ba ru
meaningcrusade, work hard, do one's best

"がんばる" (ganbaru) is a Japanese verb that means "to do one's best" or "to persevere." It conveys a sense of putting in effort, working hard, or trying your best in a challenging situation. It's often used to encourage someone or to express determination, such as saying "I'll do my best!"

This word is often used by Japanese people, so you should remember it.

Casual way of saying

引用:NARUTO-ナルト-カラー版 1 p.17 岸本斉史(株)集英社

In this scene, Naruto says ”がんばっちゃお” which means that he will try his best and It's another way of saying "がんばる”.

  • 頑張 (がんば) ります( I do my best) = polite way of saying
  • 頑張 (がんば) る( I do my best) = casual way of saying
  • 頑張 (がんば) っちゃお( I do my best) = more casual way of saying

3.足手まとい- a shi de ma to i -

ひらがなhi ra ga naあしでまとい
カタカナka ta ka naアシデマトイ
漢字ka n ji足手あしでまとい
pronunciationa shi de ma to i
meaningobstructive, a drag on a person, be one's trouble


This word is used like this↓


あの人は足手 (あしで) まといだ。
That person is obstructive.

(かれ) は、このプロジェクトに (かん) しては足手 (あしで) まといになる。
I think he is really dragging us down on this project.


To remember this, imagine a koala with your feet and hands attached.

引用:NARUTO-ナルト-カラー版 1 p.21 岸本斉史(株)集英社

4.一人前- i chi ni n ma e -

ひらがなhi ra ga naいちにんまえ
カタカナka ta ka naイチニンマエ
漢字ka n ji一人前いちにんまえ
pronunciationi chi ni n ma e
meaningthe portion for one person, stand on one's own, to come of age, independent

"一人前いちにんまえ" (i chi ni n ma e) literally translates to "one person worth" or "one full portion." In a broader sense, it refers to someone who is considered competent, skilled, or mature enough to stand on their own—essentially, someone who is fully independent and capable. It can also imply reaching a level of proficiency or adulthood in a particular field or aspect of life.

Origin of this words

When you stand your own like you are adult and you work, you can pay and eat adult-sized meals for one person.

引用:NARUTO-ナルト-カラー版 1 p.22 岸本斉史(株)集英社

In this scene, the child who passed the graduation exam calls himself ”一人前いちにんまえ”.

5.仕方がない- shi ka ta ga na i -

ひらがなhi ra ga naしかたがない
カタカナka ta ka naシカタガナイ
漢字ka n ji仕方しかたがない
pronunciationshi ka ta ga na i
meaningthere's no (other) way, there is nothing for it

"仕方 (しかた) がない" (shi ka ta ga na i) translates to "it can't be helped" or "there's no way around it." It expresses a sense of resignation or acceptance regarding a situation that cannot be changed. People often use it when faced with circumstances beyond their control, conveying a feeling of inevitability or the need to move on despite difficulties.

Condescending meaning

引用:NARUTO-ナルト-カラー版 1 p.24 岸本斉史(株)集英社

Japanese people use this word when they don't have to say it. For example, ”仕方 (しかた) がない I'll do it for you!" By adding it before the phrase, it has a condescending meaning.

In this scene, Mizuki says to Naruto, ”仕方 (しかた) がない(It can't be helped). I'll tell you a secret.”


Japanese people also use this word like this↓

6.そんなことより- so n na ko to yo ri -

ひらがなhi ra ga naそんなことより
カタカナka ta ka naソンナコトヨリ
漢字ka n jiそんなことより
pronunciationso n na ko to yo ri
meaningmore important than that, anyway, but
引用:NARUTO-ナルト-カラー版 1 p.31 岸本斉史(株)集英社



そんなことより (へん) だと (おも) わない?
Anyway, don't you think it's strange?

(なに) (へん) なの?
Strange what?



  • Anyway
  • too cute to handle
  • Do your best