How to Express Emotional in Japanese from ONE PIECE Comic Specific Situation

In this article, you can learn about Japanese words used to express emotions and the situations in which they are used. Can you say... in Japanese Question happy sad like Point 嬉 (うれ) しい-u re shi i (Happy) ひらがな(hi ra ga na)うれしいカタカナ(ka ta ka na)ウレシイ漢字(ka n ...


How to use "だいじょうぶ (DA I JYO U BU)" Written by native Japanese -ONE PIECE

Instagram Reel この投稿をInstagramで見る 9GAG: Go Fun The World(@9gag)がシェアした投稿 Letters and Pronunciation ひらがな(hi ra ga na)だいじょうぶカタカナ(ka ta ka na)ダイジョウブ漢字(ka n ji)大丈夫pronunciationda i jyo u bu Point Meaning Japanese people use the word 'Daijyoubu' in various situa ...


What are Ninja and Kunoichi? About history, Anime, Characters and pronouns

A Ninjya (忍者(にんじゃ)), also known as Shinobi (忍 (しの) び), refers to a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan, renowned for their skills in espionage, sabotage, guerrilla warfare, and assassination. Ninjas played a key role in the political and military co ...


5 Japanese Useful Words from ONE PIECE Manga Muir, Nareteru, Nakama, Iiyatsu, Atarimae Book1.2

This article will introduce the words that Japanese people frequently use. Comic ONE PIECE, Digital colored comics, Japanese, ROMANCE DOWN, 1 Amazon > One Piece, Vol. 1: Romance Dawn (One Piece Graphic Novel)English Amazon > Can you say... in Japane ...


5 Japanese Useful Words from ONE PIECE Comic ,Kanazuchi, Gaki, Karakau, Kakkoii, Kega Book1.1

Comic ONE PIECE, Digital colored comics, Japanese, ROMANCE DOWN, 1 Amazon/Kindle> One Piece, Vol. 1: Romance Dawn (One Piece Graphic Novel)English Amazon/Kindle > Can you say... in Japanese Question People who can't swim Handsome Injury Point 1.カナヅチ ...


27 Japanese Words from Gol D.Roger(Gold Roger)'s lines from ONE PIECE comic

Can you say... in Japanese Question Wealth = ? A man = ? everything = ? Comic image ONE PIECE -ROMANCE DOWN-冒険の夜明けp.6尾田栄一郎(著)集英社 Japanese words from comic images Wealth, Fame, Power.富とみ、名声めいせい、力ちから。to mi, me i se i, chi ka ra 富とみto mi=wealth, riches e.g.富 ...



Six Japanese Vocabulary from NARUTO Comic Book1.3

Can you say... in Japanese Question That’s make sense. weird Congratulations Point 1.なるほど- na ru ho do (That makes sense.) ひらがな(hi ra ga na)なるほどカタカナ(ka ta ka na)ナルホド漢字(ka n ji)なる程 (ほど) pronunciationna ru ho domeaningI get it, I see, That makes sense, I un ...


What are Ninja and Kunoichi? About history, Anime, Characters and pronouns

A Ninjya (忍者(にんじゃ)), also known as Shinobi (忍 (しの) び), refers to a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan, renowned for their skills in espionage, sabotage, guerrilla warfare, and assassination. Ninjas played a key role in the political and military co ...


6 Japanese vocabulary from NARUTO comic Book1.2

Comic NARUTO, Digital colored comics, Japanese, 1 Amazon > Can you say... in Japanese Question anyway work hard obvious Point 1.当たり前- a ta ri ma e - ひらがな(hi ra ga na)あたりまえカタカナ(ka ta ka na)アタリマエ漢字(ka n ji)当(あ)たり前(まえ)pronunciationa ta ri ma emeaningnatur ...


Nine Different Way to Say "Baka"(fool,stupid,idiot) in Japanese from NARUTO Comic, How to Pronounce , Kanji, Hiragana Book1.1

Comic NARUTO, Digital colored comics, Japanese, 1 Amazon > What does " Baka" mean in Japanese ひらがな(hi ra ga na)ばかカタカナ(ka ta ka na)バカ漢字(ka n ji)馬鹿Pronunciationba kameaningfool, idiot, moron, stupid "Baka" (馬鹿 (ばか) ) is a Japanese word that means "fool" ...



What are Ninja and Kunoichi? About history, Anime, Characters and pronouns

A Ninjya (忍者(にんじゃ)), also known as Shinobi (忍 (しの) び), refers to a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan, renowned for their skills in espionage, sabotage, guerrilla warfare, and assassination. Ninjas played a key role in the political and military co ...


What does Shouji means. Japanese, pronunciation, Proverbs, Damon Slayer

Do you know what to call this in Japanese? 引用:Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol.1 p.20 著:吾峠呼世晴 出:(株)集英社 引用:Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol.1 p.103 著:吾峠呼世晴 出:(株)集英社 These are called Shouji and there are many Shoji screens on Demon Slayer co ...




About 「お」and「ご」

The honorific prefixes 「お」 and 「ご」 are used in Japanese to show politeness or respect. They are often attached to nouns, especially when referring to things related to others (rather than oneself) or when speaking in a formal or refined manner. 1. Differe ...


「は」と「が」の 違い (Difference between Ha and ga)

1. 「は」 (wa) – Topic Marker 「は」 is used to indicate the topic of the sentence. It sets up what the sentence is about, often implying contrast or background information. 🔹 Example 私 (わたし) は日本人 (にほんじん) です。 (Watashi wa nihonjin desu.) → "As for me, I am Japan ...



HIRAGANA and KATAKANA are same pronunciation. ひらがなHIRAGANA・カタカナKATAKANA 1 HIRAGANA1Downroad KATAKANA1Downroad The sounds in the two tables above can be heard in the audio below.^_^ ひらがなHIRAGANA・カタカナKATAKANA2 HIRAGANA2Downroad KATAKANA2Downroad


Family Words and Terms in Japanese, Pronunciation, Kanji meaning

Before reading this article Memorizing the example sentences entirety is the first step to understanding Japanese. If you are a beginner in Japanese, you can easily memorize hiragana and katakana by viewing them multiple times at the same time. This artic ...


The emotional expressions that Japanese people commonly use. How to express emotion in Japanese

Can you say... in Japanese Question happy nostalgic sad like Point 好 (す) き- su ki (like) ひらがな(hi ra ga na)すきカタカナ(ka ta ka na)スキ漢字(ka n ji)好 (す) きpronunciationsu kimeaninglike, love Example The literal translation of ”好 (す) きです(su ki de su)” is ”I like you ...


16 Common Japanese Words You need to know

Can you say... in Japanese ? Question Thank you = ? Excuse me = ? Hold on = ? あいさつ-Greeting- 1.Good morningおはようございますo ha yo u go za i ma su 2.Hello/Hiこんにちはko n ni chi wa 3.Good eveningこんばんはko n ba n wa 4.Good nightおやすみなさいo ya su mi na sa i 5.Nice to meet ...


数字(すうじ)How to write and pronounce Japanese number 0 to 100. Easy way to remember.

Can you say... in Japanese Question Your age 115 200 1000 Read this article to find out the answer! Point Press the dot mark with a red circle around it to select the playback speed. 0 to 10 First, memorize the pronunciation from 0 to 10. 0 ze ro, re i Nu ...


カタカナ②(Katakana)How to write and pronounce Katakana

Table http://freedom777.site/?p=584 Click ガ行 ga,gi,gu,ge,go ザ行 za,ji,zu,ze,zo ダ行 da,ji,zu,de,do バ行 ba,bi,bu,be,bo パ行 pa,pi,pu,pe,po kya,kyu,kyo / gya,gyu,gyo sha,syu,syo / jya,jyu,jyo cya,cyu,cyo nya,nyu,nyo hya,hyu,hyo / bya,byu,byo / pya,pyu,pyo mya,myu ...


カタカナ(Katakana)How to write and pronounce Katakana

Katakana (カタカナ) is one of the three scripts used in the Japanese writing system, alongside hiragana and kanji. Like hiragana, katakana is a phonetic syllabary, meaning each character represents a syllable. However, katakana is primarily used for specific ...


ひらがな②(Hiragana)How to write and pronounce Hiragana

Hiragana (ひらがな) is one of the three writing systems used in the Japanese language, alongside katakana and kanji. Table http://freedom777.site/?p=581 Click が行 ga,gi,gu,ge,go ざ行 za,ji,zu,ze,zo だ行 da,ji,zu,de,do ば行 ba,bi,bu,be,bo ぱ行 pa,pi,pu,pe,po kya,kyu,ky ...


ひらがな①(Hiragana)How to write and pronounce Hiragana

Hiragana (ひらがな) is one of the three writing systems used in the Japanese language, alongside katakana and kanji. Key Points About Hiragana Origin and Use: Hiragana was developed from simplified Chinese characters and was originally used by women in the He ...




What are Ninja and Kunoichi? About history, Anime, Characters and pronouns

A Ninjya (忍者(にんじゃ)), also known as Shinobi (忍 (しの) び), refers to a covert agent or mercenary in feudal Japan, renowned for their skills in espionage, sabotage, guerrilla warfare, and assassination. Ninjas played a key role in the political and military co ...


What does Shouji means. Japanese, pronunciation, Proverbs, Damon Slayer

Do you know what to call this in Japanese? 引用:Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol.1 p.20 著:吾峠呼世晴 出:(株)集英社 引用:Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Vol.1 p.103 著:吾峠呼世晴 出:(株)集英社 These are called Shouji and there are many Shoji screens on Demon Slayer co ...



Tokyo Asakusa, Skytree - 1 Day Itinerary written by local Japanese - Kingyo sukui, Ninjya experience, Aquarium

About Asakusa Asakusa is a vibrant district in Tokyo known for its rich history and traditional culture. Here are some key points about Asakusa: Historical Significance Cultural Heritage: Asakusa has been a prominent entertainment and cultural center sinc ...



About Japanese Regions

Japan is divided into several geographical regions, each with its own unique culture, dialect, and attractions. Some of the most well-known areas include: 1. Hokkaido (北海道 (ほっかいどう) ) Cities 北海道 Hokkaidou Characteristics: Japan’s northernmost region, famou ...


日本のバスの時刻表 Japanese bus timetable

Timetables Japanese bus stops have timetables like this↓ How to read bus timetables Words 予定 (よてい) 時刻 (じこく) 表 (ひょう) yoteijikokuhyou = Scheduled timetable 平日 (へいじつ) heijitsu = weekdays 土曜 (どよう) doyou = Saturday 休日 (きゅうじつ) kyuujitsu = Sunday and Japanese ho ...


About Hotel in Japan

Hotel Type Japan offers a wide variety of hotel types, catering to different tastes, budgets, and travel experiences. Whether you're looking for luxury, tradition, or a modern, minimalist vibe, there's something for everyone. Here are some of the main typ ...
